Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Great White Man-Eating Shark

Add a comment describing Norvin's character.  Use these points to help you...

  1. Your targets
  2. Juicy description
  3. These ideas:
  • Describe his looks (include colour)
  • How does he talk?
  • Explain how he feels out of the water AND in the water.
  • What are his hobbies?
  • What would he like to be?
  • How does he move in AND out of the water.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

How was it?

Dear Year 5

I am gutted! I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to join you on our trip to The Deep.

Please cheer me up! I'd love to be able to read about your adventure and feel like I saw it, heard it and touched it from right here at home.

You could tell me some or all of these things:

- how you felt when you arrived
- what you saw
- what you were allowed to touch and what it felt like
- what you learnt in the coral workshop
- a funny moment
- a fascinating fact you picked up
- something you think could be improved if we take another class there
- what you bought in the shop
- the most amazing creature and why you thought so
- the creature you'd least like to meet if you were scuba diving (and why?)
- whether anyone was sick on the bus!

Use a minimum of 100 words so I can really get a fabulous picture of your day. Don't forget to use Word so you can right-click words like 'big' to up-level them. Post your comment on this blog after you've double checked for full stops.

If you can use When If After While AND ask me a question, you will earn a ClassDojo which I can add right from my phone. Remember each one is a minute of Wii time!

I look forward to reading your recounts.

Yours disappointedly

Mrs Cole :-(

PS the picture is the closest I can get to ocean life so make your descriptions sizzle!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

"Don't touch the bottles!" shouted Oceane.

You found these bottles when you were scuba diving off the boat.  They were on a ship that was shipwrecked in a violent storm.  Oceane reached out to stop you touching them but it was too late...

Write a story including the glass bottles.

You must included in your story:
- people (you and Oceane)
- a place
- a problem
- a panic
- a peaceful ending


  • Do the bottles take you somewhere?
  • Do the bottles make something happen in the ocean?
  • Do the bottles make something happen to the creatures in the ocean?
  • Do you have to sort out whatever has happened because you touched them?
Choice words:
When  If After While
Despite Although Whenever? !

Monday, 15 October 2012

iPads in school?

"Far too expensive.  Why on earth would we need those?" 

Write a letter to Mr Soutar (as a comment in this blog) explaining why we should have and use iPads in school.

Be as persuasive (not begging) as you can.

Try using your targets.  These phrase might also be useful...

Not only that but

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Hanging on!

As I gripped the rock, 
This is you!  You were on a seemingly impossible mission.  Describe in detail how you made your way up the rock face.

Was anyone behind you or ahead of you? 
Describe the weather.
Explain how you felt.
Describe in careful detail what you could see.
What did you spot that could help you?
Where were you trying to get to?
Describe the sounds around you.
Explain what you could smell.

Choose to use sentence openers to move your story on:
  • When
  • If 
  • After
  • While
  • Despite
  • Although
  • Whenever

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Mission Impossible?

Choose the three pictures that would help you continue from this line:
Time was running out.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Our posters and best wishes for TeamGB & ParalympicsGB

Y5 and 6 have put together some fantastic posters to advertise the Olympics around school.  They looked at the impact a poster like this should have, critiqued the real Olympic posters and used their new knowledge to create these great designs.  

In just a few weeks, Team GB and ParalympicsGB athletes will face the toughest, most exciting challenge of their sporting careers. They need to know that the whole nation – including Glenaire - is behind them, wishing them luck and cheering them on.

We have been invited to write a message of support for Team GB and ParalympicsGB so let's use our most amazing vocabulary and targets to send our most thoughtful messages yet.

Many thanks to our behind-the-scenes artist David Smeaton for his brilliant help and support putting this project together.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

My afternoon at Glenaire

Write Bertie's diary for him so he can keep a record of his day.  This is how he started but he found his paws couldn't grip a pencil that well.

Blimey!  I've had a VERY different day.

Friday, 18 May 2012

I am the flame!

On Saturday, Cornwall counted down to the arrival of the Olympic Torch. The flame was flown into RAF Culdrose on board a British Airways jet at 7.30pm.

Goonhilly Earth Satellite Station was lit up red, white and blue to mark the flame's arrival into the airbase nearby.  That night, it was guarded by police from Scotland Yard in the officers' mess.

First thing on Sunday, 771 Search and Rescue crews flew it by helicopter to Land's End.  The 70 day Torch Relay started at Land's End at 7am on Saturday morning.  

You are the flame!  Continue writing a diary entry as if you are the flame.  Use this sentence to help you start.
I could see the lights on the Satellite Station.  They were lit up in red, white and blue... the Union Flag colours... for ME!  

Ideas to help your creativity:
  • How are you feeling?
  • Any worries about your important job?
  • What can you see of the outside from inside the torch? People?  Landscape? Torchbearers?
  • What's the weather like?
  • How does the torchbearer feel... can you tell by their expression?
  • What can you hear as you are taken on your first steps through Cornwall?
  • What can you smell?
  • Can you taste anything?
  • How does the air feel in the UK compared to the hot Greek climate?

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Alex Rider Jellyfish Scene

Watch this video and use your wow descriptions and targets to describe this scene from the film.

You could start with...   Even though it was warm water, I was not happy with where I had been thrown.  There floating right next to me was an immense jellyfish.