Tuesday, 20 November 2012

How was it?

Dear Year 5

I am gutted! I'm so disappointed that I wasn't able to join you on our trip to The Deep.

Please cheer me up! I'd love to be able to read about your adventure and feel like I saw it, heard it and touched it from right here at home.

You could tell me some or all of these things:

- how you felt when you arrived
- what you saw
- what you were allowed to touch and what it felt like
- what you learnt in the coral workshop
- a funny moment
- a fascinating fact you picked up
- something you think could be improved if we take another class there
- what you bought in the shop
- the most amazing creature and why you thought so
- the creature you'd least like to meet if you were scuba diving (and why?)
- whether anyone was sick on the bus!

Use a minimum of 100 words so I can really get a fabulous picture of your day. Don't forget to use Word so you can right-click words like 'big' to up-level them. Post your comment on this blog after you've double checked for full stops.

If you can use When If After While AND ask me a question, you will earn a ClassDojo which I can add right from my phone. Remember each one is a minute of Wii time!

I look forward to reading your recounts.

Yours disappointedly

Mrs Cole :-(

PS the picture is the closest I can get to ocean life so make your descriptions sizzle!


  1. The deep
    When we all got there I thought it was tiny from the outside but when we went inside it was gigantic. This women called Sue,who worked for the deep, told us to put our lunch in this big blue trolley to keep it safe. Then Sue took us into a little classroom, where we had to become coral experts. Did you know Coral is a living animal? In the classroom we got to look at a ball of the earth, which was big and then we looked at coral through a magnifying glass. At the deep there was loads and loads of animals there. The one that I liked the most was the lobster what had black and blue spots.

    1. Great recount Naomi! I love the extra detail you added by using 'who' and 'which' and you asked me a question... Amazing to think they are animals when they look like plants and rock!

  2. 100 word challenge

    Dear Mrs Cole,
    When we got on the coach I burnt myself on the radiator it hurt a lot. Then after a long two hour journey we finally reached the deep, it was amazing. We did some research on coral reefs at the end the lady said we were coral reefs experts. Then we moved on to look around we saw moon jellyfish, some skeletons and some lobsters. There was one lobster that stud out it was blue!!!! After about ten minutes we had our lunch. All my grapes fell on the floor.Then we got to the best bit, the tunnel there were sharks swimming above our head it was awesome. After that we went to the shop I bout myself a glass teddy and for my mum a badge that said keep calm and shop on. Then we saw some divers the stingrays stayed near the food as they were very hungry. Then it was time to go home we got on the coach and the driver put the radio on so we were all singing to some different songs. When we got home I was so happy because my mum, nan and two dog were waiting for me. I hope you had a good time when you went and what did you do???

    From paige

    1. Thanks for your detailed recount Paige. I hope the burn is recovering! I would like to have seen the divers but I wasn't there at the right time for that. My favourite sea creatures were the sawfish as I've never seen them before. ClassDojo added!

  3. MY Trip To The Deep
    When we got to the Deep I was relived because it was so hot in the coach I nearly jumped into the sea. Once we got into the Deep a nice lady took us into a room were we learned about coral and that it is an animal not a plant it was fascinating! Then we went into a room with fossils on the wall I was showing off because I know them all, as we went down the ramps looking at the fossils something pulled my eyes off the fossils they were moon jellyfish I went and looked as they swished around like angels it was so amazing to see one I was pretty sad to continue I could watch them all day but we had to carry on. As we went on there was a huge round tank whith a few men putting seaweed in for the fish there were lots but one caught my eye like it was glued to me it was a group of blue spotted rays then I turned around to see tanks whith crabs, starfish and sea urchins in I had a little look but I couldn’t keep my eye off the blue spotted ray. Then a nice man came over and said feel this so I did he told us it was an empty shark egg and to wash our hands. As minutes zoomed on we got to a tank whith a sawfish in everyone said it was a shark or a swordfish but I corrected them and we continued to a slime place it looked good but we had to pass it because it was dinner time. After I had my dinner a found a nice spot while the others ate and looked out the window I couldn’t help but notice the funny looking bridge but then we walked back and didn’t go to the slime place we went to a dark place filled whith lobsters after that we went to an ice place which lead to a few tanks whith fish and normal creatures in someone told me it was about the amazon so I remembered that. Next we went to the all famous tunnel it was not as good as I thought because it was tiny, then we couldn’t fine our way out for ages but we got out before Mr Sutar. Last but not least we got to the shop there was so much to buy yet so high prices but Ewan showed me to a bit were all teddy’s were £2.99 so I got a stingray one and he got an owl one I was so sad when we bought them because the shop is always last I nearly cried but we had to go so I held together and got in the coach, it didn’t seem al long on the way back which was good because if it was longer I would have jumped out the window. When we got back to school I waited with Ewan till my mom and Dad came to pick me up.

    From Joshua

    1. Josh, I LOVE your descriptions! They make a fabulous picture that I can really imagine. I also like the way you move your recount on with different time openers... My favourite 'As time zoomed on' because it makes it sound like you were enjoying yourself. Double Dojo added!

  4. The deep
    On Wednesday we went to the deep and on the coach it was too warm. There was some music on the coach there was not a DVD on the coach. When we arrived this lady called Susan took all of our packed lunches and put them in a big trolley. Then at dinner time they would be there in our lunch room. Some of the boys asked Susan are there any Great whites and she said no there isn’t any because they take up too much room to keep and it would be cruel to do that. I felt really happy when I got there because I was so excited to learn something new today. The lady showed us things to do with coral one of the questions was what is coral made of and we all said it is an animal. Coral has bones that were another thing we found out .Then we went through all different facts and learnt loads about sharks and fish. There was some water and in the water there were some baby sharks, a sword fish, and an eel in the water. The man told use to feel this and we asked him what it was and he said” it was a shark’s egg” and we all said" disgusting”. In the shop there were all sorts of things and I got a painting set and you got to paint a fossil with the paints. As we went round we had to stop for dinner and our lunches was there in our eating place and I ate all of my lunch in there. As I went round I felt happier and happier because I couldn’t wait to go through the tunnel because sharks and rays and fish and all sorts of things would go all around you but they would be behind the glass so they wouldn’t hurt you atoll not even one little bit. So there was nothing to be scared about. I really had a good time at the Deep and I wish you could have been there with us as well. By Milla

    1. I enjoyed your recount Milla. I didn't know coral had bones! Your fossil paint set sounds great... Maybe bring it in to show us when it's finished? ClassDojo added.

  5. When we were on the bus, I and archie were sweating because of the heat and no air conditions. I got very excited when we saw the deep. First we did the class on coral reefs and we became experts. we learned that the giant clam is so big that you could bathe in it. Would you want to? I saw a snake which scared Harrison because he tapped on the glass. The 60,000 ants were in a cage but they will only last a year or more because they can shred a field in 2 hours or more so farmers will kill them. Whilst a wrestling match is going on a queen will watch for 3 or more days! We also saw divers diving twice. Once when they were changing the food and the other when they were putting on a show. In the gift shop, me and momo bought two little baby aliens for one pound fifty pence. In most places we saw a sword fish and a puking purple fish.

    1. Love your funny fishy fact about the clam Matt and no I would not! Great use of openers and lively detail to keep me wanting to know more. ClassDojo added.

  6. My trip to the deep

    When I arrived I was surprised the journey was 2 hours long. Then we went in to the workshop I saw a dead spider crab in a glass case then the person talked about coral reefs. After that we went to some stairs on the side there were fossils of sea animals from a long time ago. There was a massive shark that was 20 meters long! But it is extinct. Then we had lunch ( and it was sternly not FISH!) Then we went to the ice place where it showed fish that live places very cold. after that we went to the twilit zone were all the weird fish chill out.
    Then we went to see a dive at 2.30for 5 minutes then we went back to school got our stuff and went home.

    BY EWAN :) :)

    1. 20 metres is one big fish Ewan! Is that longer than the playground? I have a DVD on weird fish... We must watch it! ClassDojo added.

  7. Dear Mrs Cole, when we all got to school we were exited and wished we was there in a flash. When we got on the bus we all wanted to get off again because it was too hot and crowded. When we got off the coach in Hull we was all saying “where free from the hotness”. After we all got of the coach this woman called Sue took us to a special room and showed us the ball of the earth and made us coral experts. After that we went and had a look around for a bit and before we new it. It was lunch time. After lunch we went to the begining of the the deep and looked properly. We saw a shark egg and it was all slimy and squashy when we touched it. My faverout fishes were the reef shark and the tiger shark. They were MAGNIFICENT! They seemed to swim like a Bugate Veron.

    1. Well done Bailey! I like your expression 'there in a flash' and your correct use of speech marks. I particularly like your last 4 sentences as they are very descriptive. ClassDojo added!

  8. 

    It took us 2 hours on the coach it was so hot on the coach when we arrived we put our lunch boxes in one big tray then when we put our bags in the tray we. Went to the toilet the we went in our groups then we went to do some fun work then we went to. Look at the animals and at 12 o’clock we had ewer lunch when we had our lunch we went to finish looking around and then at the thing that we didn’t see then at 2.30 we went to see the dive then in the middle of the dive we went to the give. Shop and ay bout 2 bunchy balls then when we went back in the coach I slept 1hour and 40 minutes

    1. You slept most if the way home Alessandro! You must have been tired after a great day out. ClassDojo added!

  9. Dear Mrs Cole,

    I really enjoyed it at the deep and, no need to worry no one was sick on the bus. I saw a sawfish and a camouflaged eel no one could see it! well they were all watching divers get their scuba gear on. Meanwhile the amazing animals were acting like there was talent show going on! Also after going past the slime exhibit I discovered that my sandwich was covered in slime! I bought a cuddly seal and, on the way back Liam B tried to steal it! But we got him back in the end. I also discovered that coral is an animal. Get well soon, Adam

    1. An entertaining recount Adam. Sounds like you had a good time! I particularly like your simile about the talent show. Glad you were better in time. ClassDojo added. Fingers crossed I'll be fighting fit next week... Thanks Adam

  10. The deep

    When we arrived I went in the workshop. After have an hour I dizzy. It was time for lunch it took my 10minits to eat. I was amazed at whole thing. I liked the blue spotted ray it was amazing. I felt the sharks egg it was phenomenal and slimy. I enjoyed it all yours the ants are amazing craters one dropet on my head and bite my it hurt at the end it was a some I enjoyed it all I think it should have aqua white sharks in it yours sensibly Joshua anent Holland to miss Cole.

    1. Josh, I LOVE blue spotted rays. They're one of my favourite creatures. You can actually get quite close to them too. I particularly like the words phenomenal and slimy that you chose. ClassDojo added!

  11. muhammad glemaire21 November 2012 at 10:26

    The deep
    When we got off the bus we went to the entireness. Then a lady tolled us what to do. Firs we went to the lady’s room and tolled us some things about coral reef and when down other tables to learn other things. Then we went out the lady’s room and went to see some sea animals what live in the ocean. The lady gave us a map where to go. Then we went with are group we went up louds of stairs and then when thro this door and saw some animals.

    Then saw some pictures of animals under the sea and saw some animals what died and saw there skeleton. Also there were mini torch screens so you could do a quiz on it. After we mover down to other thing we saw some jelly fish and saw a massive shark moth
    And in was cool. Then we moved down again and saw an water thing but it looked not real then we saw a massive pond an there were louds of different kinds of fish and a man were feeding the fish and a other man were giving the fish food in little bags and there we people in diving suits there were two people. After we saw some coral moving and saw some little fish and saw shark, stingrays, big fish, jellyfish, starfish, and all sorts of fish then we went to the toy shop and bot an alien from the shop. Then we saw and diner show and the diver fed the fish in the water. Then we went back the coach and went back home.

    My muhammad

    1. I'd forgotten about the touch screens Muhammad... Good memory! Good use of massive... Much better than big. ClassDojo added!

  12. The deep
    When we were on the bus , I sat next to James I finally got to sleep when Mia woke me up!! I got very, very angry. About 30 minutes Mia started to nip mine and James’s finger. I was glad to get off because it was so warm on the bus when we got off the bus we went into this room to learn about coral reefs it was very interesting then we went to explore the Deep. We saw a shark egg and we saw blue spotted ray they were so tiny. we saw jelly fish and they were so tiny as well. Then we stopped for lunch I was starving! Then after lunch we went go to the ice bit it was freezing. In addition we saw a fish what had a light on the top off them it was very cool. did you no an ants wrestling is 4 days long wow! Then we went to see people dive that was amazing then we went to the gift shop I got a sweat band. Then we went home.

    1. Was the fish with the light behind the curtain, Josh? I think that was my favourite part. Imagine being born with lights! Great wrestling fact... I'm glad I'm not an ant! ClassDojo added!

  13. The deep
    When I got there i felt exited because I’ve never been before. When we went in the deep we did some fun work, first I learned about coral. Then I learned about reefs the reefs take about sixty years to grow fully. Then we got to have a look around and before we knew it was lunchtime. After lunch we went with our leader throw the icy tunnel, I was so hot I put my forehead onto the ice. My favourite bit was the shop I bout a bag of shark teeth and a badge and a mode ring

    1. Great fact about the reefs Archie. 60 years is a huge amount of time for animals so small. Good use of When and After. ClassDojo added!

  14. muhammad glemaire21 November 2012 at 10:28

    The deep
    When we got off the bus we went to the entireness. Then a lady tolled us what to do. Firs we went to the lady’s room and tolled us some things about coral reef and when down other tables to learn other things. Then we went out the lady’s room and went to see some sea animals what live in the ocean. The lady gave us a map where to go. Then we went with are group we went up louds of stairs and then when thro this door and saw some animals.

    Then saw some pictures of animals under the sea and saw some animals what died and saw there skeleton. Also there were mini touch screens so you could do a quiz on it. After we mover down to other thing we saw some jelly fish and saw a massive shark moth
    And in was cool. Then we moved down again and saw an water thing but it looked not real then we saw a massive pond an there were louds of different kinds of fish and a man were feeding the fish and a other man were giving the fish food in little bags and there we people in diving suits there were two people. After we saw some coral moving and saw some little fish and saw shark, stingrays, big fish, jellyfish, starfish, and all sorts of fish then we went to the toy shop and bot an alien from the shop. Then we saw the diving show and the diver fed the fish in the water. Then we went back the coach and went back home.

  15. The Deep
    On Wednesday we all went to the deep as a school trip. When we arrived I was relieved to get off the coach! It was boiling and you felt like you wore in a stem room! but when we got into the deep I was rely nerves and a little exited at the same time.
    When we got to the room to do a activity about coral I found out lots of things like that coral is an animal and it has bonds and they are made of limestone. When we finally got to the tanks we saw lots and lots of different fishes. We sore a sawed fish and a tiger shark but they wore only a meter long. We also saw a clown fish they looked very funny. They wore moon jelly fish and they wore very pretty. We touched a shark egg I didn’t touch it but some people did they said it was slimy and hared. When we went to the shop I bourt a clay stone making set and a note pad and pen the note pad hade a turtle on it. I fort the most amazing creature was the sting ray and the moon jelly fish because I hade never ever seen them before in real life. I’d least like to see if I was scuba diving would be a great white shark because they can kill you or hurt you. Luckily no one was sick on the bus but I think Josh w felt a bit sick. But the trip was amazing I wish you were there.
    By Violet Farren

    1. I wish I had been there too especially after reading your detailed recount. Aren't jellyfish fascinating to watch? DoubleDojo for describing in careful detail so many if the things I asked you to tell me. Well done Violet!

  16. It took so ling on the coch and it was very hot .I was asleep and josh wook me up 2 times. When we got of the coch it felt so nice.I was so exited when we all walked in side the coolist deep that was me first time ever.the lady shode us in and hade a little time with her. Then she let us go round to see the fish in are little gropes. We went up lots of sters but it was cool in a way.we saw lots of fish like jelly fish. We went in the ice wall which was ice on the walls it was driping on the flor because it wasent that cold. We went thew the tunnel with fish over us. I fort it was gowing to be long so we could see alot of fish. But it is very good because it is big what do you think? We saw people dive and feed the fish.The shop is cool but the things you like is to much money and the things you don’t kind of want you can bay.On the way back I fell asleep again.

    1. I didn't notice it was REAL ice Mia! Well spotted. I enjoyed The Deep When I went but I agree the tunnel could do with being much longer... And how about underneath you too? Or maybe narrower so you crawled through it? Great recount with plenty of detail. ClassDojo added!

  17. The deep

    When I got off the bus I was warm and then I felt a breeze it was nice as I walked in to the deep I felt exited. And I went into a room and I saw loads of coral and after I did that we went somewhere else were we looked in some tanks and there was fishes. We were allowed to touch some coral they all felt rock hard. What I learned about coral is that they are animals. My funny moment was that Adam and josh crossly kept on falling over. there was sharks and hump head sharks and swordfishes and rays and jelly fish

    1. I like the way you described the breeze Lewis as it's a way of telling me you needed air and coolness without saying 'I was hot'. You've also shared the first funny moment too (as long as they didn't get hurt). I can imagine them being too busy looking at all the fish to concentrate in their feet! ClassDojo added!

  18. Dear Mrs Cole, Me and Adam played a hitmertis game on the coach and I nearly fell asleep. When we arrived at the Deep I felt pleased because it was too hot on the coach. At the Deep it was awesome we did a work and I learnt that coral was an animal. Later on we looked round it was so awesome inside. At about half one we went to the store I had one pound and I bought a Riana and an Ed Serein badge. At two o’clock we watched a diving show it was so fun but then we had to set off back to school on the coach. Adam bought a cute seal from the shop he called it Sealy. After that we fell asleep and when we woke up Sealy was gone... what had happened? Hope you get well soon from Hannah

    1. I like the way you wrote your recount as a letter and used some really effective time words to move the recount on. ClassDojo added! Hopefully I'm back on form next week... Thanks Hannah

  19. I have really enjoyed reading all of the recounts of the Yr 5 trip to The Deep, great to see how much all of the children in the class enjoyed it, and very interesting to read all of the different perspectives on the day. As a parent it is fun to be able to find out more details of what the children have done on their trips.

    Adam Dyson's Mum

    1. Thanks for blogging! It's a great way to share with you. Thank you for spending the time reading them and commenting.
