Tuesday, 29 May 2012

My afternoon at Glenaire

Write Bertie's diary for him so he can keep a record of his day.  This is how he started but he found his paws couldn't grip a pencil that well.

Blimey!  I've had a VERY different day.

Friday, 18 May 2012

I am the flame!

On Saturday, Cornwall counted down to the arrival of the Olympic Torch. The flame was flown into RAF Culdrose on board a British Airways jet at 7.30pm.

Goonhilly Earth Satellite Station was lit up red, white and blue to mark the flame's arrival into the airbase nearby.  That night, it was guarded by police from Scotland Yard in the officers' mess.

First thing on Sunday, 771 Search and Rescue crews flew it by helicopter to Land's End.  The 70 day Torch Relay started at Land's End at 7am on Saturday morning.  

You are the flame!  Continue writing a diary entry as if you are the flame.  Use this sentence to help you start.
I could see the lights on the Satellite Station.  They were lit up in red, white and blue... the Union Flag colours... for ME!  

Ideas to help your creativity:
  • How are you feeling?
  • Any worries about your important job?
  • What can you see of the outside from inside the torch? People?  Landscape? Torchbearers?
  • What's the weather like?
  • How does the torchbearer feel... can you tell by their expression?
  • What can you hear as you are taken on your first steps through Cornwall?
  • What can you smell?
  • Can you taste anything?
  • How does the air feel in the UK compared to the hot Greek climate?